Tara Sadeghi
ProducerDeclan Mckenna
Director: Will Hooper @willhooper__
Producer: Tara Sadeghi

Exec Producer: Patrick Craig @craigmans
Production Company: Blink @blinkstagrammer
Production Manager: James Robertson @j.amesrobertson
Production Assistant: Lara Drew @lara.drew.b
Commissioner: Michael Lewin @michaelclewin
Creative/Styling: Jake Passmore @jakethepassmore
Grooming: Jackie Tyson @jackie_tyson
Directors Rep: Mouthpiece @mouthpiece_rep
1st AD: Josh Goldman Jacob@joshgoldmanjacob
Runner: Justin McQuilken
Runner: Dom Blencowe
Runner: Thomas Heasman @thomas.heasman
Runner: Gianluca Santoro @gianluca.snt
DOP: Tasha Duursma @tasha_duursma
1st AC: Oliver Bingham @oliver_bingham
Loader: Jack Plumridge @whenswrap
Cam Trainee: Max Bent-Marshall @maxbmfilm
Drone Op: Barney Clark (Stem Studios) @stem.studios
Drone Op Assistant: Bryn Cuthbert
Production Designer: Louis Simonon @louissimonon
Art Director: Tomomi Kishimoto-Eley @tomomikisheley
Art Assistant: Rufus Genn
Art Assistant: Gabs Jameson
Gaffer: Charlie Relph @charlierelph
Spark: Brook Williams: @brook_williams
Trainee Spark: Gianni Morreale @gg.creates_
Medic: Phoenix Medical
Camera Kit: Sophie and Vicky @panavision
Film Scanning: Dan Redrup @ Digital Orchard @danredrup @digital_orchard
BTS: Reuben Bastienne @reuben.bl
BTS Video: Marcus Prouse @marcusprousejr
Editor: Sam Allen @samalleneditor
Colour House: Black Kite Studios
Colourist: Rich Fearon
Colour Assist: Billy Dawson
Colour Producer: Jade Denne
VFX: The Mill @millchannel
2D Lead: Carl Norton @nortynorton
VFX Producer: Sophie McDonald @sophmcdonaldd
VFX Senior Producer: Kathryn Wigginton
Associate Production Manager: Anjalika Jain
Production Coordinator: Rahul Sasidharan
2D Lead: Gautam Gulaskar
2D Artist: Prajeesh E
Roto Supervisor: Yogesh Ahire
Sound Designer: Daniel Burch
Special Thanks: Emily Marquet